4 summer home improvement projects to do this year

Last Updated: 5 September 2022

When we speak to our customers, they often inform us of the many home improvement projects they’re looking to complete in the year. But did you know there are some home improvements that you should look to complete in the summer months rather than leaving them until autumn or worse winter.  Here are the top 4 home improvements you should look to complete in the summer.

Upgrading to modern double-glazed windows

aluminium windows in white outside view2

When you’re replacing your windows there’s a lot to consider, including the time of year you want your installation carried out. During your window installation, your old windows will need to be removed leaving your home vulnerable to outdoor weather conditions. This is why we recommend waiting until the warmer summer months to have your windows replaced.

Upgrading your windows before the cold weather begins also allows you to feel the full benefits of ultimate double glazing. Swapping to modern uPVC windows will enhance the thermal efficiency of your home. You’ll notice an immediate difference in the temperature retention of your home whilst also seeing a reduction in your heating bills this winter.

Painting the exterior of your home

mans painting a wall with a roller brush

A lick of masonry paint to the exterior of your home can make a lot of difference to its appearance. Constant exposure to British weather conditions can cause your home to become discoloured or dirty over time. Giving it a thorough clean and repaint will improve the kerb appeal of your property whilst giving it a fresh look. Waiting for the weather to dry up means there will be no moisture in the home before painting which allows for a better application and a perfect finish.

Although you may be able to carry this task out yourself, we always recommend hiring a professional to carry out these improvements. Working at any height can be dangerous if you haven’t been properly trained. You’re also guaranteed to get a better result when you allow a professional to repaint your home. They have the skills and equipment to leave you with a perfect finish.

Upgrade your heating system

In the UK we rely heavily on our heating systems during the winter trying to keep our homes warm and comfortable. If your boiler is old or you’ve noticed a drop in its ability, then having it replaced or repaired now whilst it’s summer is ideal. Did you know you could save up to 15% by replacing your boiler in August? Heating engineers will also have more availability during this timeframe as the demand is lower.

Take the opportunity to bleed your radiators whilst you’re not using your central heating. With heavy usage, air builds up around your system and this prevents the hot water from effectively being transported through the pipes and around your radiators. Bleeding your radiators annually in the summer keeps them well maintained and helps your home warm up faster, using less energy in the winter.

 Replacing your entrance door

Light oak composite door rockdoorAs the days become shorter between November and February the crime rate unfortunately, increases by one-third. That’s why we recommend replacing your front door during the summer to avoid leaving your home vulnerable to potential intruders. Upgrading to a composite door will provide you with a wonderful range of benefits that you can take full advantage of if you have it installed in the summer. Composite is an incredibly durable material that is able to withstand severe force. Our composite doors are manufactured with multi-point locking systems that have been thoroughly tested to ensure they offer your home optimum protection.

At Reddish Joinery our composite doors offer exceptionally high levels of thermal efficiency. Featuring a solid timber core, they harness all the natural thermal properties of wood and combine them with modern advancements. Having your composite door installed in the summer will effectively prepare you for the drop in temperature and further energy bill increases set for the end of this year. You’ll see an immediate difference in the temperature of your home.

Start your home improvements this summer with Reddish Joinery

If you’re looking to replace your windows or front door during the summer or you’d simply like some more information on our home improvement products and services. Please don’t hesitate to contact us online or you can give us a call on 0161 969 7474 for your free, no-obligation quote today.

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